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Excellence in education requires that technology is seamlessly integrated throughout the educational curricula. Increasing access to technology is essential to build college and career readiness. The individual use of devices is a way to empower students to maximize their full potential and to prepare them for college.

Learning results from the continuous dynamic interaction among students, educators, parents, and the extended community. Technology immersion transforms the teacher from a director of learning to a facilitator of learning. Effective teaching and learning integrate technology into the curriculum anytime, anyplace.

Please be sure to click the link to read our policy:

         St Augustine High School Technology Policy

St. Augustine is a Bring Your Own Device SchoolThe Bring Your Own Device (B.Y.O.D.) program, implemented for the 2024-2025 academic year, brings an increased attentiveness to incorporating technology in the classroom. We continue to foster our professional learning community with the necessary training and methodology to teach and learn in a digital environment. This system incorporates our faculty’s vast experience as educators who understand that technology is a tool to support learning. The increased possibilities with technology allow us to expand our community beyond the classroom to our families, alumni, and fellow St. Augustine students.

St. Augustine’s Minimum Device Requirements

Students brining their own devices to school should meet the following requirements


o       Chromebooks and iPads are not acceptable device options.

o      Some required applications will not run on these devices.



o       Processor: Equivalent to Intel i5 or i7. Intel and AMD are the top two processor manufacturers.  1.8 GHz Speed minimum

o      Memory (RAM): 8GB RAM is the minimum recommendation

o       Operating System: Windows 10 or greater (Professional or Home only) for compatibility with St. Augustine’s wireless network, software and services.

o      Hard Drive/Storage: A minimum of 500GB HDD

o       Wireless Network Adapter: 802.11ac is required

o       Software: The device must be running licensed versions of all software, particularly operating system and anti-virus software.

o       Virtual Private Network ( VPNs ) are not allowed to run on operating system while on campus.
          Please be sure to read the St. Augustine High School Technology Policy( link provided above ).



o     Battery life - 5-hour minimum with 8+ hours recommended.

o     Batteries cannot be charged in Classrooms due to safety considerations.

o     Dedicated Charging stations will be minimized.

o     12-inch minimum screen size

o     Warranty. Please consider purchasing extra/extended warranty for accidental damage protection or to reduce further repair cost.

♦      It is important to know if the warranty work will be performed locally or require the device to be shipped to get repaired.

o     Insurance - You will need to check with your insurance company to determine the available options.

o     Student devices must have anti-virus software that has real protection enabled prior to coming on campus. Some possible options
        include Avast, AVG, Kapersky, Malwarebytes Antivirus, McAfee, Norton, Sophos, Superantispyware, Symantec and TrendMicro.